Now, will you donate to TRIPLE your impact to make your drug reform priority reality.

A generous donor is TRIPLE matching all gifts through December 31, up to $150,000!

You know this drug war needs to end. But drug war zealots are intent on keeping it. By tripling your impact with a gift during our 3x gift match, you will help strengthen the fight to end this disastrous war on drugs.

Member support in 2021 has been critical to sweeping achievements this year, but simple drug possession remains the most arrested offense in the United States.

We are counting on your steadfast support to build our momentum and head into 2022 strong. Donate now and your gift will be matched 3x, up to $150K!

Learn about more ways to give here.

About DPA

The Drug Policy Alliance is the leading organization advancing drug policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights.



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Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
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I authorize Drug Policy Alliance to electronically debit my account in the amount of on the agreed upon schedule. I understand that a recovery fee may be charged if the payment is dishonored or returned for any reason and that it is my responsibility to retain a copy of this authorization for my records.
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